Children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3), and parents are tasked to train up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). To help parents in this high calling, we warmly welcome children of all ages in all our gatherings and adult Bible study classes. We also offer, for parents who prefer, a children’s class for ages three through eight during the adult Bible study hour on Sunday mornings; lessons are geared toward the older students while the younger children are learning to sit still and listen.
We do not have a staffed nursery during gathered worship, but the nursery room, a small training room (with the service audio and video), and a nursing mothers’ room (with the service audio) are available for parents to use as needed.
As older children and youth transition from childhood to adulthood, we want to help them make that transition by incorporating them into our adult Bible study classes and corporate worship gatherings.